Thousands of Oklahoma eighth- through 12th-grade students will receive valuable information to help them plan and prepare for a college education.

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recently distributed approximately 240,000 copies of preparing for college brochures to middle, junior high and high schools statewide.

State Regents officials produced two grade-specific brochures for eighth- through 10th-grade students and for 11th- through 12th-grade students. Both versions of “What’s Your Plan for College?” inform students about the courses they must take in high school to be admitted to an Oklahoma public college or university.

The publications feature financial aid information and details regarding admission standards and placement scores, as well as information about, the state’s online college planning and preparation portal for students, parents and school counselors. The brochures outline estimated college costs, salary expectations for various jobs, and information about campus comparison and selection.

“We know that early planning for college is essential for student success,” said Chancellor Glen D. Johnson. “These free publications are tools counselors use to help students and parents prepare academically and financially for college, explore campus and degree options, and navigate the admission process.”

The brochures were sent directly to public school counselors to distribute to their students. In addition, brochures were sent to counselors at private schools accredited by the State Department of Education and Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission-recognized accrediting associations. The brochures are also sent to home-school organizations, libraries, and various educational, tribal and faith-based organizations.

High school counselors also were provided a link to a digital version of the “Counselors’ Resource Book: Oklahoma Colleges and Universities,” which profiles each Oklahoma college and university and includes information about preparing for college, college costs and financial aid, including grants, scholarships and federal student loans.

Students, parents and counselors can view, print or order the materials online at

For additional information, visit, call the State Regents’ toll-free Student Information Hotline at 800-858-1840 or email