Over the past two years, State Regents' staff and advisory committees have reviewed and revised policies to incorporate current APA rules and to increase readability and clarity. Some policies have been added or substantively revised as recommended by advisory committees or as needed to reflect current practice. The proposed revised manual is organized into five chapters corresponding to major functions of the State Regents (Governance, Administrative Operations, Academic, Budget and Fiscal, and Student Financial Aid and Scholarships).
Every policy in the manual follows a standard format and numbering system to allow staff, institutions and the public to more easily find information and locate citations.
You must have Acrobat Reader to view the Policy and Procedures Manual. The manual is provided as PDF files and is better viewed printed. Note that some chapters will take longer to download. Hard copies are available of specific policies only.
Chapter 1 – Governance is a compilation of legal excerpts from the Constitution of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Higher Education Code as enacted by the 1965 Legislature and as amended during subsequent sessions.
The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education is the state's legal structure for providing public education at the collegiate level was set forth in the Oklahoma Constitution, Article XIII-A, Section 1-4:
All institutions of higher education supported wholly or in part by direct legislative appropriations shall be integral parts of a unified system to be known as "The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education."
Chapter 1 – Governance (PDF, 559k)
1.1 State System Coordination
1.2 Higher Education Defined
1.3 Oklahoma Constitution, Article XIII-A, Sections 1-4
1.4 Oklahoma Constitution, Article II, Sections 3202-3204, 3206
1.5 Administration
1.6 State System Institutions, Constituent Agencies, and Community Junior Colleges
1.7 State System Chart
Chapter 2 – Administrative Operations covers the rules of operations for the State Regents and the various state institutions. The chapter also includes the delegation of authority to the chancellor, the State Regents' ethics policy, advisory councils and OneNet fee structure.
Chapter 2 – Administrative Operations (PDF, 683k)
2.1 Rules of Operation
2.2 Operational Procedures for Meetings
2.3 Petition Requesting Promulgation, Amendment or Repeal of Rules
2.4 Petitions for Declaratory Rulings
2.5 State Regents' Committees
2.6 Election of State Regents' Officers
2.7 Orientation of New Board Members
2.8 Delegation of Authority to Chancellor
2.9 Oklahoma Governmental Tort Claims Act
2.10 OSRHE Ethics Policy
2.11 Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, and Reasonable Accommodations for State Regents' Programs, Services, and Activities
2.12 Compliance & Institutional Data Reporting Requirements
2.13 Regents Education Program
2.14 Student Advisory Board
2.15 Faculty Advisory Council
2.16 Council on Instruction
2.17 Council on Student Affairs
2.18 Council on Business Officers
2.19 Communicators Council
2.20 Economic Development Council
2.21 Council on Information Technology
2.22 Constitution of the Council of Presidents
2.23 Use of Towers, Facilities and Communications Services
2.24 OneNet Acceptable Use Policy
2.25 OneNet Fee Structure
2.26 Privacy, Data Access and Management
2.27 Chief Information Officer for the State System of Higher Education
2.28 The Oklahoma Free Speech Committee to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
2.29 Career Services Council
Academic Affairs Policy
Chapter 3 – Academic Affairs sets forth policy affecting academic operations of Oklahoma state system institutions, including institutional accreditation and function; standards for student admission, retention, and graduation; the in-state or out-of-state status of students; and instructional program approval and review. For questions regarding Chapter 3 – Academic Affairs policy, contact Dr. Stephanie Beauchamp.
Chapter 3 – Academic Affairs Policy (PDF, 1m)
3.1 Institutional Accreditation and Authorization
3.2 Functions of Public Institutions
3.3 Function of Research in the State System
3.4 Academic Program Approval
3.5 Intensive English Program Approval and Review
3.6 Cooperative Agreements between Higher Education Institutions and Other Entities
3.7 Academic Program Review
3.8 Changes in Academic Structure and Nomenclature
3.9 Institutional Admission and Retention
3.10 Concurrent Enrollment
3.11 Undergraduate Transfer and Articulation of Courses
3.12 Grading
3.13 Undergraduate Academic Course Load
3.14 Granting of Degrees and Other Awards
3.15 Undergraduate Degree Requirements
3.16 Credit for Prior Learning
3.17 Distance Education and Traditional Off-Campus Courses and Programs
3.18 In-State/Out-of-State Status of Enrolled Students
3.19 Academic Calendars
3.20 Student Assessment Plan
3.21 Teacher Education
3.22 Oklahoma Teacher Connection
3.23 Instructors' English Proficiency
3.24 Professional Programs.
Academic Affairs Policy and Procedures Handbook
The Academic Affairs Policy and Procedures Handbook is being revised in tandem with Chapter 3 – Academic Affairs and will be posted on this page when revisions are complete. Until then, for questions regarding interpretation or application of state system policy, contact Dr. Stephanie Beauchamp.
Service Area Maps
Maps showing the four-year and two-year service areas referenced in policy sections 3.2 and 3.17 are available for viewing below. For questions about the maps or service areas, contact Dr. Stephanie Beauchamp.
Four-Year Service Area Map (JPG, 5.2m)
Two-Year Service Area Map (JPG, 5.2m )
Chapter 4 – Budget and Fiscal Affairs provides a procedural guide for budgeting, allocating, accounting and reporting fiscal affairs in the state system. Selected legal references are presented to show the responsibilities of the State Regents and other state agencies and to serve as the legal base upon which procedures are established.
For more information, see the Redbook - Financial and Business Handbook (PDF, 1.2m), a guide for all persons who have an interest in the business and financial tasks that are required in the operation of higher education entities in the state of Oklahoma.
Chapter 4 – Budget and Fiscal Affairs (PDF, 432k)
4.1 Definitions
4.2 Educational and General Budgets
4.3 Sponsored Research and Other Sponsored Programs
4.4 Revolving Funds
4.5 Maintenance of Operating Reserves
4.6 Governing Board Budgetary Assessments
4.7 Technology Transfer
4.8 Accounting and Financial Reporting Model
4.9 Disclosure of Beneficial Interest in State School Land Funds
4.10 Disclosure of Pension Information
4.11 Uniform Purchasing Model
4.12 Capital Improvements
4.13 Master Lease Program
4.14 Campus Master Plan Update
4.15 Student Tuition and Fees
4.16 Investment of Institutional Funds
4.17 Administration of the Regents Endowment Fund Program
4.18 Investment Policy Statement for Funds Administered by the State Regents
Chapter 5 – Student Financial Aid addresses policy pertaining to student financial aid and scholarships and includes policy for the Oklahoma College Assistance Program (formerly Guaranteed Student Loan Program), the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant/State Student Incentive Grant Program, the Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program (“Inspired to Teach”), the Chiropractic Education Assistance Program, Oklahoma's Promise, among others.
Chapter 5 – Student Financial Aid (PDF, 241k)
5.1 Oklahoma College Assistance Program
5.2 University and College Supporter Scholarship
5.3 Regional University Baccalaureate Scholarship Program
5.4 Academic Scholars Program
5.5 Chancellor Hans Brisch Scholarship Program
5.6 William P. Willis Scholarship Program
5.7 Heartland Scholarship Program
5.8 Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program (“Oklahoma’s Promise”)
5.9 George and Donna Nigh Scholarship
5.10 Chiropractic Education Assistance Program
5.11 Teacher Shortage Employment Incentive Program
5.12 Tulsa Reconciliation Education and Scholarship
5.13 Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grant
5.14 Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant Program
5.15 Brad Henry International Scholarship Program
5.16 Chancellor Glen D. Johnson Scholarship in Leadership and Public Service
5.17 Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program (“Inspired to Teach”)
5.18 Oklahoma National Guard Educational Assistance Program