What’s New: Data Dashboards
Our Blueprint 2030 strategic plan calls for the development and implementation of interactive public dashboards with key performance data for both the system and individual colleges and universities. Our System Analysis and Reporting division has launched three initial interactive dashboards – Enrollment, Student Success and Degrees Conferred – to share key data aspects across the state system.
Data Access and Management Policy
The State Regents establish the principles governing access to and the dissemination of information gathered and maintained through the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Unitized Data System (UDS). UDS has been in place since 1977. Each semester, approximately 75 data elements are gathered for each student (a person who enrolled, had a class/grade action and paid fees) in Oklahoma higher education.
There are 30 data-reporting entities, institutions and branch campuses in the Oklahoma State System for Higher Education. Some of the private institutions do not participate in UDS, so grand totals including private institutions are not complete. Oklahoma has 25 public higher education institutions, 20 branch campuses and five learning centers. In addition, there are 12 private higher education institutions that are regionally accredited.
2023 Annual Report, Degrees of Progress: The State of Higher Education in Oklahoma (June 2024) (PDF, 4m)
The annual report is a look at higher education in Oklahoma today and profiles of Oklahoma’s 25 colleges and universities.
Report on the Review of the Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics (October 2014) (PDF, 3m)
Review of the Mathematics and English Language Arts Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) standards was conducted by the State Regents in compliance with HB 3399. This report describes the process used by OSRHE to determine whether the English Language Arts and Mathematics PASS standards are college-and career-ready and the findings of the reviewers.
Oklahoma Study of Educator Supply and Demand: Trends and Predictions (September 2015) (PDF, 3m)
OSRHE commissioned American Institutes for Research to conduct a study to better understand both historical and future-predicted trends of educator supply and demand across Oklahoma.