House Minority Caucus Chair Cyndi Munson was recognized with the Distinguished Service Award for Higher Education during today’s meeting of the Council of Presidents. She was honored for her support of higher education in her role as House Minority Caucus Chair and as a member of the Appropriations and Budget committee; Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget; Children Youth and Family Service committee; Elections and Ethics committee; and General Government committee. Munson is also a member of the Joint Committee on Pandemic Relief Funding Health and Human Services and Transportation, Infrastructure and Rural Development working groups; the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency; and the State and Federal Redistricting Oklahoma County Subcommittee.

“As a past recipient of the Oklahoma’s Promise Scholarship, Rep. Munson consistently supports our efforts to maintain funding for the program and expand student eligibility for the scholarship,” said Chancellor Allison D. Garrett. “She also has been a strong advocate of our state system budget request. The State Regents, college and university presidents and I are honored to present her with this Distinguished Service Award.”

The Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education recognize individuals who demonstrate distinguished leadership and support of higher education in Oklahoma during the legislative session. It is the highest award presented by the State Regents and the Council of College and University Presidents.

“As a first-generation college graduate and Oklahoma Promise alumna, I am always proud to support and partner with our higher education institutions and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education,” said Munson. “I always strive to ensure all students have the same – or better – opportunity that I had to pursue and receive my college education. I am the leader I am today because of the opportunity I had to receive a higher education. As our world continues to change and our future demands a skilled and innovative workforce, the role of higher education has become exceedingly important. By investing in Oklahoma’s higher education system, we are investing in Oklahoma’s students and communities that can and will compete with the local and global economy.”