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Student Complaint Form

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State Law Compliance Student Complaint Form

This form is for students who believe that the institution they are attending is operating out of compliance with “applicable State laws,” as provided in 34 C.F.R. §600.9 State Authorization, who have followed the institution’s established complaint process through the highest administrative level available and believe the concern has not been adequately addressed. Complaints must be submitted within one year of the institution’s final decision to be eligible for OSRHE review.

The OSRHE will not review complaints submitted through this form that are not related to institutional non-compliance with “applicable State laws,” as provided in 34 C.F.R. §600.9 State Authorization.

This form requires the complainant to provide the correct citation of the specific state statute or administrative rule with which the student believes the institution is non-compliant.  The OSRHE will not review complaints submitted through this form that do not provide the correct citation of the applicable state statute or administrative rule.

"*" indicates required fields

Student Information

0 of 50 max characters
Select the name of the institution that is the subject of your complaint. If the institution you attended is not listed, the OSRHE does not have authority to review complaints against it.
0 of 50 max characters

Complaint Information

Provide the specific Oklahoma statute or administrative rule you believe the institution has violated, and describe the nature of the violation. The OSRHE will not review complaints that do not correctly cite the specific state statute or administrative rule.
0 of 1500 max characters
Describe the outcome you are looking for from the OSRHE’s review of your complaint.
0 of 500 max characters
Describe your efforts to resolve the issue with the institution. The OSHRE will not review a complaint until the student has pursued it with the institution to the highest administrative level available, including any appeal process.
0 of 1000 max characters
Describe the institution’s final decision.
0 of 500 max characters
Date of the Institution’s Final Decision*
Upload documentation of the institution’s final decision. This may be a letter, email, or other documentation from the institution to you informing you of the final decision.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: txt, doc, docx, rtf, odt, pdf, csv, xls, xlsx, jpg, gif, png, , Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 5.

    Institutional Officials Involved in the Complaint

    Provide the following information for the person at the institution responsible for the final decision, or who communicated the decision to you. You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide is correct.
    Other Agencies or Organizations*
    Have you submitted a request for a review of this complaint to any other agency or organization?

    Verification of Complaint and Consent

    The OSRHE will use the information you provide to review and if appropriate investigate your complaint. Once the review is complete, you will be notified of the OSRHE’s findings.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.