What: News conference with photo, video and news opportunity as the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Task Force on the Future of Higher Education shares its recommendations

When: 10 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018

Where: Oklahoma State Capitol, Governor’s Large Conference Room, 2nd floor

Who: State Regent Ronald H. White, M.D., chair, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and chair, Task Force on the Future of Higher Education; State Regent Toney Stricklin, vice chair of the task force; Chancellor Glen D. Johnson; task force members; representatives of Oklahoma’s higher education institutions

Background: Formed by the State Regents in March 2017, the Task Force on the Future of Higher Education examined every aspect of system operations, including academic models; online education models; structure; fiscal services and operational efficiencies; workforce development; and information technology. The work of the task force was conducted through four subcommittees: College Degree Completion and Workforce Development Initiatives; Academic Program Innovations and Online Education; System Structure; and Fiscal Solutions, Efficiencies, Affordability and Technology. Task force members approved recommendations from the four subcommittees at the Dec. 6, 2017 meeting. The task force unanimously approved the Report on the Future of Higher Education at the Jan. 31 meeting, and the State Regents unanimously accepted the task force report at their Feb. 1 meeting.