The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education approved today $770.4 million in state appropriations for the state system of higher education for FY 2021. This represents a 3.95% decrease from the FY20 budget.

“This is an unprecedented time for Oklahoma and for higher education,” said State Regents’ chair Joseph L. Parker Jr. “Our public institutions have been flexible and innovative in response to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis. As our state begins the economic recovery process, we will continue our efforts to increase the number of students earning college degrees and certificates, offering a quality higher education opportunity at an affordable cost. We know that states with a high percentage of college graduates have higher per capita incomes and stronger, more diversified economies.”

For state colleges and universities, the next step in the budget process is to formulate their operating budgets for FY 2021. Following approval by institutional governing boards, the State Regents will consider these proposed operating budgets at the June 25 meeting.

“We recognize this was an extremely difficult budget year, and we thank our policy leaders for their efforts to minimize the cut to higher education,” said Chancellor Glen D. Johnson. “As we continue to focus on serving our students in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the State Regents and our 25 public colleges and universities remain committed to accessibility, affordability and efficiency. Oklahoma higher education stands ready to partner with other key stakeholders to continue building our state’s workforce and restore economic growth.”