Participation in the state system of higher education’s concurrent enrollment program has nearly doubled in the last decade. In the last academic year, more than 14,600 students from Oklahoma high schools enrolled in concurrent courses, generating over 141,300 student credit hours.

Concurrent enrollment allows high school juniors and seniors who meet admission and course placement requirements to earn college credit at Oklahoma colleges and universities while still in high school. State Regents’ policy allows exceptions to be made for younger, high-achieving high school students to participate in the program, as well. Delivered online or via traditional instruction on a college or high school campus, concurrent enrollment courses are taught by qualified faculty providing the student a collegiate experience.

“By 2028, 66 of our state’s 100 critical occupations will require a college degree. As demand for a college-educated workforce continues to grow, public higher education works continuously to increase efficiency and accelerate degree completion,” said Chancellor Allison D. Garrett. “The concurrent enrollment program strengthens student preparation for college, reduces family college costs, and decreases the time required to complete a college degree. We thank our Legislature for funding concurrent enrollment for high school juniors and seniors during the 2022 legislative session.”

Under the program, participating high school seniors may be eligible to receive a tuition waiver for up to 18 credit hours of concurrent course work during the academic year, and high school juniors may be eligible to receive a tuition waiver for up to nine credit hours. Some school district partners also provide assistance with related expenses, such as textbooks, fees or transportation.

A proven driver of college readiness, degree completion and, ultimately, workforce development, concurrent enrollment is an investment that benefits Oklahoma students, families and employers. The state system of higher education received funding in FY23 to provide concurrent enrollment tuition waivers for high school juniors and seniors. While Oklahoma public higher education is nationally recognized for low cost of attendance, fully funding concurrent enrollment expands college accessibility, promotes college affordability and produces more graduates to fill the growing number of jobs in Oklahoma that require a college degree. Graduation rates at each tier – research, regional and two-year – for students who participated in concurrent enrollment are higher than their peers.