Micro-Credential Programs
Through UpskillOK.org , the State Regents are developing a statewide framework for micro-credentials, alternative learning pathways directly aligned with high-demand skills requested by employers. Micro-credentials help individuals adapt and succeed, equipping both students pursuing a degree and current degree-holders with specific career skillsets, competencies and knowledge that can be readily transferred to fill critical workforce needs.

Online Consortium of Oklahoma
In partnership with the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE), OCO continuously advocates for policy, professional development and resources to more effectively promote online learning excellence and leverage strategies for efficiency in learning technologies. The OCO website, OCOLearnOK.org , provides 24/7 access to collaboration opportunities in several key areas, various communication tools, and an on-demand library of recorded webinars targeting the critical areas necessary to support and engage online learners.

Institutional Resources
Academic Calendar
Chart of dates, as reported to the State Regents by the institutions, of first day of classes, last day of semesters, holidays, breaks and commencements
Academic Forms
Forms to assist in the development of proposals for new degree programs, modifications to existing programs, notification of institutional actions, and more
Academic Reports
Status reports of programmatic requests and resources such as program inventory information and institutional academic plans
Closed Institutions/Transcript Information
Find out how to obtain transcripts from colleges and universities, including those that have closed.
Complete College America
Oklahoma's Complete College America (CCA) five-point plan to increase degree and certificate completion led CCA to name Oklahoma a national model for degree completion. Our state plan focuses on promoting college readiness, transforming remediation, strengthening pathways to certificates and degrees, expanding adult degree completion efforts, and rewarding performance and completion.
Council on Student Affairs (COSA)
The Council on Student Affairs serves as a key advisory council to the chancellor, OSRHE staff and other state officials regarding issues and policies affecting the welfare and development of students enrolled in the Oklahoma higher education system.
Course Transfer/Course Equivalency Project (CEP)
A listing of courses that will transfer among Oklahoma colleges and universities.
Faculty Advisory Council (FAC)
Information on FAC objectives, workplan, annual report, membership and more.
Financial Aid Resources for Institutions
Provides a source of information for Oklahoma student financial aid professionals regarding the administration of OSRHE student financial aid programs.
Grant Coordination and Support
The coordinator of grant writing and external funding assistance works to encourage a robust grant culture in partnership with the higher education institutions across the state, providing direct services to OSRHE, OneNet, the regional universities and the two-year colleges.
Library Resources
Information on academic library resources and shared databases available to colleges and universities statewide.
Show What You Know
The ShowWhatYouKnowOK.org website helps adult students learn how previously earned college credit, licenses, certifications, military training, advanced standing scores, and knowledge gained through other learning experiences can be applied toward a degree program.

Data, Policies & Procedures
Data Access and Management Policy
State Regents' policy establishes the principles governing access to and the dissemination of information gathered and maintained through the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Unitized Data System.
Redbook - Financial and Business Handbook (PDF, 1.2m)
A guide for all persons who have an interest in the business and financial tasks that are required in the operation of higher education entities in the state of Oklahoma.
Statewide Degree Program Data
Systemwide data regarding degree program productivity (enrollments and degrees conferred), degree program inventories, degree program option inventories and degree program review schedules. Data is updated following each State Regents meeting to reflect program actions taken by the board.
State Regents' Policy and Procedures Manual
Policy and procedures organized into five chapters corresponding to major functions of the State Regents (Governance; Administrative Operations; Academic; Budget and Fiscal; and Student Financial Aid and Scholarships).
State Authorization in Oklahoma
Provides information for private and out-of-state public institutions on how to apply for authorization to operate in Oklahoma.
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)
Information and application for SARA, which establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs.
System Safety, Health and Environment Resource Center
Provides safety training opportunities and library resources addressing health and safety needs at Oklahoma colleges and universities.