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Oklahoma’s 100 Critical Occupations (2022-32)

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Critical Occupation Degrees as a Percent of AY24 Degrees Conferred


Critical Occupations

Critical occupations dashboards provide data on enrollments and degrees conferred in STEM, healthcare, and other key fields aligned with Oklahoma’s Top 100 Critical Occupations as defined by Oklahoma Works.

Critical Occupations Dashboards

The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission recently released the 2022-2032 workforce projection data for Oklahoma’s “100 Critical Occupations,” (PDF, 192k) jobs identified as critical to economic growth and wealth generation in the state.

  • Over half of the top 100 critical occupations require education beyond high school, and of those jobs, most require an associate degree or higher.
  • The top 22 highest-paying critical occupations require an associate degree or higher.
  • 8 of the top 10 fastest-growing critical occupations require an associate degree or higher.

2021-30 workforce projection data for Oklahoma’s "100 Critical Occupations