The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recognize the value of a formal structure for input from a wide variety of campus personnel. These key advisors represent each institution and assist the State Regents, chancellor, OSRHE staff and others regarding issues and policies.
There are nine advisory councils and boards in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, and a brief description of each is provided below. For more detailed information, click on the links to council/board webpages or refer to Chapter 2 of the Policy and Procedures Manual.
Career Services Council
Blueprint 2030, the State Regents new strategic plan, will guide our state system of higher education over the next several years with four fundamental goals: produce workforce-ready graduates, grow the student pipeline, focus on student success, and improve system efficiency and effectiveness. To produce workforce-ready graduates, higher education must serve as stewards by connecting students to the workforce. Supporting this initiative requires support from institutional offices of career services. The State Regents have established the Career Services Council, composed of representatives from each state system institution.Â
Communicators Council
The Communicators Council, a statewide panel of chief communications/public relations professionals from Oklahoma colleges, universities, technical branches and higher education programs, serves as a key advisory council to the chancellor, OSRHE staff and other state officials. The council serves as a forum where higher education public relations professionals meet to discuss matters of common interest and develop strategies to communicate the benefits Oklahoma and Oklahomans receive from the state’s investment in its higher education system. Council members work collaboratively to advance our communication priorities as individual institutions and as a state system.
Council of Business Officers
The Council of Business Officers considers financial- and business-related issues affecting Oklahoma higher education institutions. The council serves in an advisory capacity to the chancellor, OSRHE staff and the Council of Presidents and serves the state system as a whole on issues and policies affecting the best practices of state system institutions. The council conducts studies and issues reports in the review of business affairs, provides support and guidance to other OSRHE councils in rendering advice for matters of business affairs and proposes business and related policy and procedures. Membership consists of the chief business officer of each of the 25 institutions in the state system, as designated by the president of the institution.
Council on Information Technology
The Council on Information Technology considers issues affecting Oklahoma higher education and how technology, procedures, best practices or policies may positively impact the State System. CoIT serves as the principal statewide advisory council rendering advice and counsel to the chancellor in the review of current and recommended technology and related policy and procedures. In performing these responsibilities, the CoIT renders service to the whole State System, including coordination with the chief information officers (CIO) for the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education and communicating with various bodies such as the Council on Instruction, the Council on Student Affairs, the Council of Business Officers and others. The CoIT also serves as a forum when information technology (IT) officers meet to discuss matters of common interest and, when appropriate, conducts studies and issues reports designed to strengthen the mission of Oklahoma higher education institutions. Membership is comprised of principal information technology officers from each institutional campus and higher education center (as appropriate) in the State System. In addition, a representative from the independent sector may be invited by the council’s Executive Committee to serve on the council and shall be selected from nominations provided by the council.
Council on Instruction (COI)
The Council on Instruction considers academic and related issues affecting Oklahoma higher education, proposes academic and related policy and procedures and serves as the principal statewide advisory council rendering advice and counsel to the chancellor, other advisory groups and the entire state system in the review of current and recommended academic and related policy and procedures. Membership consists of the chief academic officer of each of the 25 institutions in the state system, as designated by the president of the institution.
Council of Presidents
The president of each college and university in the state system is eligible for membership in the Council of Presidents. The Council of Presidents advisory group:
- Promotes and encourages collaboration among state system institutions.
- Provides a forum to discuss issues impacting Oklahoma higher education.
- Develops coordinated approaches to identifying and solving common challenges facing state system institutions.
- Advocates the critical role higher education plays in advancing the state’s educational, social and economic priorities.
Council on Student Affairs (COSA)
The Council on Student Affairs serves as a key advisory council to the chancellor, OSRHE staff and other state officials regarding issues and policies affecting the welfare and development of students enrolled in the Oklahoma higher education system. The council also serves as a forum for student affairs officers to discuss matters of common interest, conducts studies and issues reports designed to strengthen co-curricular programs and student support services at Oklahoma higher education institutions. Membership is comprised of principal student affairs officers from each institutional campus and higher education center (as appropriate) in the state system. In addition, a representative from the independent sector is invited to serve on the council’s executive committee, and student affairs officers from private institutions are invited to attend and participate in council meetings and activities.
Economic Development Council (EDC)
The Economic Development Council is an advisory council to the Chancellor, OSRHE staff, the Council of Presidents and other state officials. Membership is comprised of chief economic development officers from each state system institution, as designated by the president of the institution. The EDC identifies and prioritizes actions that create a high-quality environment to retain college graduates in the state workforce, attract businesses to Oklahoma, grow existing Oklahoma businesses and develop new Oklahoma businesses through the efficient use of resources.
Faculty Advisory Council (FAC)
The Faculty Advisory Council communicates and develops proposals and recommendations to the chancellor and the State Regents representing the views and interests of all Oklahoma college and university faculty on those issues that relate to the constitutional and statutory responsibilities of OSRHE. The FAC consists of 14 members elected by tier by the State Faculty Assembly at its fall annual meeting and appointed by the chancellor. Members of the FAC must be a faculty member at a college or university within the state of Oklahoma and should, at the time of election, be the president or immediate past president/chairman of his/her institution’s faculty organization. In the event an institution does not have an official faculty organization, an individual receiving the consent and support of the faculty of that institution will be eligible for election to the FAC.
Student Advisory Board (SAB)
The Student Advisory Board communicates to the State Regents the views and interests of all Oklahoma college and university students on those issues that relate to the constitutional and statutory responsibilities of OSRHE. In representing students, the Student Advisory Board combines the opinions of students with good, sound research to develop the best proposals and recommendations for the state system. The creation of the SAB is consistent with provisions of H.B. 1801 of the 1988 Oklahoma Legislature [70 O.S., §3205.5]. Membership is comprised of seven members elected by tier by delegates to the Oklahoma Student Government Association (OSGA) at its spring meeting.