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Online Degree Programs

Home » About the State System of Higher Education » Degree Programs » Online Degree Programs

We understand that pursuing higher education can be a transformative experience, but it’s not always easy to find the right program that fits your needs or your schedule. That’s why our State System institutions offer an extensive collection of fully online degree programs.

Whether you’re a busy professional seeking career advancement, a stay-at-home parent looking to expand your knowledge, or someone who prefers the flexibility of online learning, our inventory is designed to help you find the perfect program to achieve your educational goals.

Through our online degree program tables linked below, you can search for programs based on your preferred field, degree level, specific keywords or within high-demand disciplines.

Online learning can offer limitless possibilities. Whether you’re embarking on a new academic journey or seeking to enhance your existing qualifications, start exploring Oklahoma public higher education’s online learning opportunities today!

 All Disciplines (XLSX, 29k)

 Nursing/Health Professions (XLSX, 13k)

 Computer Science+ (XLSX, 12k)

 Engineering+ (XLSX, 11k)

   Business (XLSX, 14k)