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Policy and Procedures Manual – Chapter 4 – Budget and Fiscal Affairs

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Chapter 4 – Budget and Fiscal Affairs provides a procedural guide for budgeting, allocating, accounting and reporting fiscal affairs in the state system. Selected legal references are presented to show the responsibilities of the State Regents and other state agencies and to serve as the legal base upon which procedures are established.

For more information, see the Redbook – Financial and Business Handbook (PDF, 1.2m), a guide for all persons who have an interest in the business and financial tasks that are required in the operation of higher education entities in the state of Oklahoma.

Chapter 4 – Budget and Fiscal Affairs


4.1       Educational and General Budgets
4.2       Sponsored Research and Other Sponsored Programs.
4.3       Revolving Funds
4.4       Governing Board Overhead Assessments
4.5       Technology Transfer
4.6       Economic Development Grant Program
4.7       Quality Initiative Grant Program
4.8       Establishment, Operation and Control Of Petty Cash Funds
4.9       Accounting and Financial Reporting Model
4.10     Disclosure of Beneficial Interest in State School Land Funds
4.11     Disclosure of Pension Information
4.12     Uniform Purchasing Policy Model
4.13     Capital Improvements
4.14     Defined Revenue Sources & Uses of Funding for Capital Proj
4.15     Campus Master Plan Update
4.16     Standards for Space Utilization
4.17     Master Lease Program
4.18     Student Tuition and Fees Policy
4.19     Investment of Institutional Funds
4.20     Administration of the Regents Endowment Fund Program..
4.21     Statement Of Investment Policy
4.22     End-Of-Year Reports
4.23     Employees – Quarterly Reports