The functions of the 12 public community colleges are (1) to provide general education for all students; (2) to provide education in several basic fields of university-parallel study for those students who plan to transfer to a senior institution and complete a bachelor’s degree; (3) provide one- and two-year programs of technical and occupational education to prepare individuals to enter the labor market; (4) provide programs of remedial and developmental education for those whose previous education may not have prepared them for college; (5) provide both formal and informal programs of study especially designed for adults and out-of-school youth in order to serve the community generally with a continuing education opportunity; (6) carry out programs of institutional research designed to improve the institutions’ efficiency and effectiveness of operation; and (7) participate in programs of economic development with research or regional universities toward the end that the needs of each institution’s geographic service area are met.

President Jay Falkner
Carl Albert State College
1507 S. McKenna
Poteau, OK 74953-5208
918.647.1216 (fax)
B.B.A., emphasis in Human Resources Management, Northeastern State University
M.Ed., East Central University
Ed.D. (ABD), University of Arkansas
Previous Positions
Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management, Carl Albert State College
Director of Title III & Enrollment and Retention, CASC
Coordinator of the University Center, Scholars Program, Student Conduct, Intramural Sports and Upward Bound, CASC
Facilitator, College Strategies Program, Northeastern State University
Interviewer, Redmen Ambassadors and Honors Program, NSU
Recruiter, NSU
Date Assumed Presidency
July 2016

President Ron Ramming
Connors State College
700 College Road
Warner, OK 74469-2204
918.463.2233 (fax)
A.S., Connors State College
B.S., Agriculture (Animal Science), Oklahoma State University
M.S., Agriculture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ph.D., Agricultural Education/Higher Education Administration, OSU
Previous Positions
Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, CSC, 2014-16
Vice President of Academic Affairs, CSC, 2012-14
Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Services, CSC, 2009-12
Dean of Enrollment Services, CSC, 2004-09
Director of Distance and Extended Education, CSC, 1998-2004
Agricultural Instructor and Assistant Livestock Judging Team Coach, CSC, 1990-98
Date Assumed Presidency
June 2016

President Janet Wansick
Eastern Oklahoma State College
1301 W. Main
Wilburton, Oklahoma 74578-4999
918.465.2431 (fax)
B.S., Mathematics, East Central University
M.S, Secondary Education, ECU
Ed.D., Higher Education Administration, Oklahoma State University
Previous Positions
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Connors State College, 2017-20
Vice President for Academic Affairs, EOSC, 2015-17
Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs/Director of Institutional Research, EOSC, 2013-15
Dean, McAlester Campus, EOSC, 2011-13
Chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, ECU, 2007-11
Date Assumed Presidency
July 2020

President Timothy Faltyn
Murray State College
One Murray Campus
Tishomingo, OK 73460-3137
580.387.7179 (fax)
A.A., Liberal Arts, Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute (New Mexico)
B.A., Public Service, University of Central Oklahoma
M.Ed., Public Service, UCO
Ed.D., Higher Education, Oklahoma State University
Previous Positions
President, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, 2016-22
President, Connors State College, 2011-16
Vice President of Academic Affairs, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, 2009-11
Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs, OSU-Oklahoma City, 2006-09
Division Head of Arts and Sciences, OSU-OKC, 2001-09
Department Head of Social Sciences, OSU-OKC, 1999-2001
Public Service Faculty, OSU-OKC, 1997-99
Date Assumed Presidency
February 2022

President Kyle Stafford
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
200 “I” Street, N.E.
Miami, OK 74354-6497
918.542.9759 (fax)
B.S., Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
M.Ed.., Public School Administration, SEOSU
Ed.D., Northcentral University (virtual)
Previous Positions
Vice President of University Advancement, SEOSU, 2015-20
Executive Director, University Advancement, SEOSU, 2008-15
Dean, Enrollment Management and Marketing, SEOSU, 2017-08
Director, Admissions and Recruitment Services, SEOSU, 2002-07
Recruiting Coordinator/Admissions Counselor, SEOSU, 2000-02
Admissions Counselor, SEOSU, 1999-2000
Date Assumed Presidency
January 2020

President Diana Watkins
Northern Oklahoma College
1220 E. Grand
P.O. Box 310
Tonkawa, OK 74653-0310
580.628.6209 (fax)
Previous Positions
Vice President of Academic Affairs, NOC
Date Assumed Presidency
January 2024

President Mautra Jones
Oklahoma City Community College
7777 S. May Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73159-4444
405.686.1159 (fax)
B.A, Journalism, University of Oklahoma
M.B.A, University of Phoenix at San Diego
Ed.D., Education, Vanderbilt University (Tennessee)
Previous Positions
Vice President of Institutional Advancement and External Affairs, Langston University
Executive Director, LU Foundation
Site Administrator, LU-Oklahoma City
Date Assumed Presidency
March 2022

President Jena Marr
Redlands Community College
1300 S. Country Club Road
El Reno, OK 73036-5300
405.422.1202 (fax)
B.A., Business Administration, Oklahoma Panhandle State University
MBA, West Texas A&M University
Ed.D., Leadership – Higher Education Focus, American College of Education
Previous Positions
Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff, Redlands Community College, 2013-23
Director of Purchasing/Assistant to the Vice President of Fiscal Affairs, OPSU, 2009-13
Controller/CFO (health care industry), 2008-09
Chief Accountant/Business Office Manager, OPSU, 2004-08
Date Assumed Presidency
April 2023

President Jeanie Webb
Rose State College
6420 S.E. 15th St.
Midwest City, OK 73110-2799
405.733.7399 (fax)
B.A., Social Studies Education, Northeastern State University
M.S., College Teaching/Personnel Services, NSU
Ed.D., Adult Continuing Education/Higher Education Administration, Oklahoma State University
Previous Positions
Vice President of Student Affairs, Rose State College
Dean, Tulsa, Muskogee, and Claremore Campuses, NSU
Associate Professor of Education, NSU
Date Assumed Presidency
July 2013

President Lana Reynolds
Seminole State College
2701 Boren Blvd.
Seminole, OK 74868-0361
405.382.7912 (fax)
B.A., English, Oklahoma Christian College
M.A., Journalism, University of Oklahoma
Previous Positions
Executive Vice President, Seminole State College, 2017
Executive Vice President for Institutional Advancement, SSC, 2012-16
Vice President for Institutional Advancement, SSC, 2005-12
Associate Vice President for Business and Community Relations, SSC, 1998-2005
Director of Public Relations and Community Services, SSC, 1995-98
Assistant to the President, SSC, 1992-94
Public Information Officer, SSC, 1987-94
Adjunct Instructor, SSC, 1984-2017
Date Assumed Presidency
July 2017

President Leigh B. Goodson
Tulsa Community College
909 S. Boston Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74119
918.595.7994 (fax)
B.A., Political Science, Oklahoma State University
M.S., Organizational Communication, Fort Hays State University (Kansas)
Ph.D., Educational Research and Evaluation, OSU
Previous Positions
Vice President for Research and Institutional Advancement, OSU Center for Health Sciences and OSU-Tulsa, 2011-14
School Head, Healthcare Administration, OSUCHS, 2010-13
Vice President for Research and Institutional Advancement and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, OSUCHS, 2008-11
Associate Professor of Osteopathic Medicine, OSUCHS, 2007-14
Vice President for Enrollment Management and External Affairs, OSUCHS, 2004-08
Assistant Professor of Osteopathic Medicine, OSUCHS, 2001-07
Associate Dean for Student Affairs, OSUCHS, 2000-04
Assistant Dean for Admission and Recruitment, OSUCHS, 1999-2000
Assistant Registrar, OSUCHS, 1998-99
Senior Academic Counselor, College of Education, OSU, 1995-98
Admissions Counselor, FHSU, 1992-95
Case Worker and Staff Assistant, U.S. Congressman Glenn English, 1990-92
Date Assumed Presidency
July 2014

President Chad Wiginton
Western Oklahoma State College
2801 N. Main
Altus, OK 73521-1397
580.477.7707 (fax)
B.B.A., Belmont University (Tennessee)
M.A.Ed., Middle Tennessee State University
Ed.D., Higher Education Leadership, Northcentral University (virtual)
Previous Positions
Vice President for Academic and Student Support Services, Western Oklahoma State College
Dean of Academic and Student Support Services, WOSC
Date Assumed Presidency
July 2018