The functions of the two research graduate universities include (1) both lower-division and upper-division undergraduate study in a number of fields leading to the bachelor’s or first-professional degree; (2) graduate study in several fields of advanced learning leading to the master’s degree; (3) graduate study in selected fields leading toward the doctor’s degree; (4) organized basic and applied research; (5) statewide programs of extension study and public service; (6) statewide programs designed to promote the economic development of Oklahoma, and (7) to the extent resources are available, to carry out limited programs and projects on a national and international scale.
President Kayse Shrum
Oklahoma State University
107 Whitehurst Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078-0999
405.744.6285 (fax)
A.S., Connors State College
D.O., Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Previous Positions
Oklahoma Secretary of Science and Innovation, State of Oklahoma, 2019-20
President, OSU Center for Health Sciences, 2013-21
Dean, College of Osteopathic Medicine, OSUCHS, 2011-21
Provost, OSUCHS, 2011-15
Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs, OSUCHS, 2009-11
Chair, Department of Pediatrics, OSUCHS, 2004-11
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, OSUCHS, 2004-21
Assistant/Associate Professor, OSUCHS, 2002-04
Date Assumed Presidency
July 2021
President Joseph Harroz Jr.
University of Oklahoma
660 Parrington Oval
Norman, OK 73019-0390
405.325.7605 (fax)
B.A., Economics, University of Oklahoma
J.D., Georgetown University Law Center
Previous Positions
Dean, OU College of Law, 2010-19
President, Graymark Healthcare Inc., 2008-10
General Council, OU, 1996-2008
Vice President of Executive Affairs, OU, 1994-96
Date Assumed Presidency
May 2019