Rep. Trish Ranson was recognized with the 2019 Distinguished Service Award for Higher Education during today’s meeting of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. She was honored for her support of higher education in her role as a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health, Appropriations Subcommittee on Natural Resources and Regulatory Services, Children, Youth and Family Services, and Higher Education and Career Tech committees.

“Rep. Ranson has been a leader in maintaining the current law regarding weapons on campus and has worked tirelessly on behalf of the students of Oklahoma and for the goals of Oklahoma higher education,” said Chancellor Glen D. Johnson. “We are pleased to honor her today with the 2019 Distinguished Service Award.”

The Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education recognize individuals who demonstrate distinguished leadership and support of higher education in Oklahoma during the legislative session. It is the highest award presented by the State Regents and the Council of College and University Presidents.