Twelve Oklahoma legislators and a legislative staff member are recognized by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the public college and university Council of Presidents as recipients of 2024 Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education. The awards are conferred in the following categories: Deferred Maintenance, Champions of Promise, and Trailblazers.

“These legislative leaders are investing in Oklahoma’s future: the students we serve,” said State Regents Chair Dennis Casey. “Each award recipient shares our vision for higher education’s critical role in meeting current and future workforce needs and strengthening our economy by helping more Oklahomans earn college degrees.”

2024 Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education: Deferred Maintenance

Sen. Chuck Hall, Sen. Greg McCortney, Rep. Kyle Hilbert, Rep. Mark McBride, Rep. Cyndi Munson, and Rep. Kevin Wallace received Distinguished Service Awards for their leadership in securing significant financial support to address deferred maintenance on Oklahoma college and university campuses.

“It is our honor to recognize Sen. Hall, Sen. McCortney, Rep. Hilbert, Rep. McBride, Rep. Munson, and Rep. Wallace for their support of our efforts to secure a substantial investment to meet deferred maintenance needs at our institutions,” said Chancellor Allison D. Garrett. “Thank you for recognizing the value of investing in higher education facilities to maintain the quality of our campuses for years to come.”

“I was proud to author legislation that creates a sustainable, long-term funding source for Oklahoma’s colleges and universities to tackle deferred maintenance projects,” said Hall. “Setting aside funds for the state’s higher education institutions to address their aging infrastructure and a backlog of repairs will enhance campus facilities and produce the best learning environment for students. I’m honored and humbled to be recognized by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and I appreciate everyone who worked with me to develop the Capital Assets Maintenance and Protection Fund.”

“It has been such an honor to have held the position of Chairman of Education Appropriations,” McBride said. “I have been able to do so many things for education, from an increase in funding to Endowed Chairs, Inspired to Teach, and deferred maintenance, to name a few. Thank you so much for your continued support and trust in me when things were challenging. As I term out this year, I will go out feeling like I made a positive impact in education over the last 12 years as a legislator and held the chairman seat proudly.”

2024 Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education: Champions of Promise

Oklahoma’s Promise is widely recognized as one of the premier college access programs in the nation. Rep. Arturo Alonso Sandoval and Chief of Staff to the Senate Pro Tem Jeff Peters received Distinguished Service Awards for their steadfast support of the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship program. Each engaged with students across the state to share personal messages during Oklahoma’s Promise Day at the Capitol in April.

“We are honored to recognize Rep. Sandoval and Jeff Peters as Oklahoma’s Promise champions,” said Garrett. “As alumni of the program, they willingly share their stories, showcasing the scholarship’s transformational impact. They continue to inspire students to pursue higher education and clearly affirm the value of Oklahoma’s Promise as an essential tool to expand our state’s educated workforce.”

“My journey from a low-income background to where I am today was made possible by Oklahoma’s Promise,” Sandoval said. “This program doesn’t just provide financial assistance; it instills hope and expands horizons for capable students who may not see college as an option. It’s an honor to continue advocating for Oklahoma’s Promise, working to ensure that economic circumstances don’t limit the educational aspirations of our state’s talented youth. By investing in these students, we’re investing in Oklahoma’s future.”

“I am humbled and honored by this recognition,” said Peters. “I would not be where I am today without Oklahoma’s Promise. It enabled me to attend, and graduate, from the University of Oklahoma and pursue my dreams. I applaud and appreciate everyone who has supported this program over the years, as well as those who continue to uphold the principles of the program. I have never lost sight of those who have fought for it over the years, as they have paved the way for me and many others to succeed.” 

2024 Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education: Trailblazers

Five legislators received Distinguished Service Awards as “trailblazers” who were diligent and innovative in paving the way for important legislation. Sen. Adam Pugh, Sen. Kristen Thompson, Rep. Trey Caldwell, Rep. Gerrid Kendrix, and Rep. Anthony Moore each worked consistently to advance bills that supported higher education initiatives.

“Several legislators who have excelled early in their legislative service are ardent higher education supporters,” said Garrett. “Senator Pugh, Chair of the Senate Education Committee, and Rep. Moore, Chair of the Higher Education and Career Tech Committee, are each honored for their continued advocacy for higher education. Their committees provided significant support for several crucial initiatives, including financial aid access, workforce development, and budgetary needs across the higher education system. Sen. Thompson has worked tirelessly to move our state’s workforce and commerce initiatives forward, ensuring Oklahoma colleges and universities are aligned with workforce needs and students have every opportunity to succeed. Rep. Caldwell was instrumental in crafting a strong state budget with key investments in higher education. Rep. Kendrix has been a compelling voice to elevate higher education priorities across the state, particularly on behalf of our rural colleges and universities, to ensure a strong workforce in every county.”

“This recognition is a testament to the collaborative efforts and dedication of many individuals who are committed to advancing education in our state. It has been a pleasure to work with our higher education partners to fill workforce pipelines and ensure Oklahoma students have access to programs and courses that will prepare them for their careers in our state’s various industries,” Pugh said. “Further, we also want to make sure our higher education institutions have the resources they need to succeed. I’m proud of the Legislature’s work this year to provide property insurance relief to our schools so that their resources may be allocated to projects and initiatives focused on students. I am greatly appreciative of this honor and look forward to continued collaboration as we work to further advance our state’s educational institutions.”

“I’m very honored to receive this award,” said Moore. “The quickest way to increase the trajectory of our state is through increasing the number of citizens with a higher education degree, and without facilities that are inviting and able to meet the needs of our students, we would be regressing in that pursuit. While the work is far from over, this was a big step in the right direction and sets us up for more opportunities next session.”

“Higher education plays a pivotal role in preparing our workforce for the demands of our modern economy,” Thompson said. “It is essential that our educational institutions align their programs with the needs of our industries to ensure that graduates possess the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute effectively to our state’s economic growth. We are fortunate in Oklahoma that our State Regents for Higher Education are prioritizing practical, career-oriented education and encouraging partnerships between our colleges and universities, businesses, and workforce stakeholders. Together, we can create a workforce that is ready to meet the challenges of a competitive job market and changing economy. I am honored to be recognized with this Distinguished Service Award and look forward to continued progress for the state of Oklahoma.”

“As vice chairman of the House Appropriations and Budget Committee, I’m committed to making sure that education funding isn’t just about today, but about setting up Oklahoma’s students for a strong future,” said Caldwell. “Investing in education doesn’t just benefit students; it builds a better, more prepared state. Our educators deserve our thanks, and I’m proud to contribute to improving our colleges and universities to bolster student success. It’s an honor to be acknowledged for these efforts.”

“I’m honored to assist with supporting and promoting good education in our state. I believe it is one of the indispensable elements of our country,” Kendrix said. “One of our founding fathers, Benjamin Rush, once said, ‘Freedom can exist only in the society of knowledge.’ It is imperative that we provide our future leaders with the tools needed to guide us tomorrow and in the years to come.”

The Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education recognize individuals who demonstrate extraordinary leadership and support of Oklahoma higher education during the legislative session. It is the highest award presented by the State Regents and the Council of Presidents.