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Logo Guidelines

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It is important that the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, as well as Oklahoma’s public colleges and universities, be portrayed in a professional and consistent manner. To maintain this consistent image, the official seal and tagline posted on the higher education website and provided by the Communications Department should be used.

For questions regarding the proper use of these materials, contact the communications department at 405.225.9100 or email Angela Caddell.

State Regents Seal

The official seal has been adopted by the State Regents and should be used prominently, in its entirety, unobscured and without distortion. When necessary, the traditional black seal can be reversed to white or changed to PMS 2925 U.


The State Regents have approved the use of “Improving our future by degrees” to link higher education to improving our state. The tagline, in the font Trajan, should be used when appropriate in external communication materials, such as brochures, websites, stationery, business cards, etc.


The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education have three logo treatments that contain the seal, tagline and appropriate entity. Each version is available in various file formats as well as black/white and two-color using PMS 2925 U. Although the size of the logo can be increased or decreased depending on its use, details of the logo must be legible.

The State Regents seal and identifying name may be used without the tagline in certain situations, but in most cases, it should be used to build the image of higher education and the State Regents as well as to position the organization properly. For questions about the appropriate use and size of the different versions, please contact the communications department.

The versions represent:

  1. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
  2. Oklahoma State System of Higher Education
  3. Oklahoma’s Colleges and Universities