The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recently launched the newly designed Reach Higher website, targeting working adults with some college credit who wish to complete an associate or bachelor’s degree.

The new site consolidates the multiple options available to adult students and provides simpler site navigation, a refreshed visual look and feel, and a responsive design that is flexible between workstations and mobile devices.
“Oklahoma remains a leader in engaging adult students to return and complete higher education degrees,” said Chancellor Glen D. Johnson. “The redesigned Reach Higher website provides working adults with the tools they need to return to college. The improvements to this site support our efforts to expand access to flexible, affordable degree options for adult learners around the state, while providing an educated workforce for Oklahoma’s businesses and industries.”

Reach Higher, Oklahoma’s adult degree completion initiative, offers two strands of degree completion for adult learners who have successfully completed some college coursework. Reach Higher: FlexFinish offers flexible enrollment and online options to working adults who wish to pursue an associate degree in enterprise development or a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership at one of 21 participating colleges and universities in Oklahoma. Reach Higher: DirectComplete offers adult students the opportunity to complete a degree in programs connected with workforce development needs that align with Oklahoma’s 100 Critical Occupations list.

Learn more about Reach Higher at