House Majority Floor Leader Jon Echols was recognized today with the 2020 Distinguished Service Award for Higher Education. He was honored for his support of higher education in his role as House Majority Floor Leader and as a member of the Appropriations and Budget, Higher Education and Career Tech, Joint Appropriations and Budget, Rules, and Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency committees.

“Since his election to the House of Representatives in 2012, Leader Echols has been a strong advocate for public higher education,” said Chancellor Glen D. Johnson. “He has been an effective leader in maintaining the current law regarding weapons on campus. Leader Echols has been steadfast in his support of the concurrent enrollment program and our state system of higher education’s appropriation request. Throughout his service in the legislature, he has always worked with us to provide students innovative higher education experiences in preparation for today’s dynamic workforce environment.”

The Distinguished Service Awards for Higher Education recognize individuals who demonstrate distinguished leadership and support of higher education in Oklahoma during the legislative session. It is the highest award presented by the State Regents and the Council of College and University Presidents.

“Rep. Echols has supported Oklahoma City Community College for decades,” said President Jerry Steward. “When we have needed his help, he has always been there. OCCC is grateful for his leadership and support. The Distinguished Service Award is recognition for all that he has done for our students and for Oklahoma higher education.”

“I’m honored to have received this Distinguished Service Award for the third time in my four terms as a State Representative,” said Leader Echols. “Maintaining a stronger higher education system is critical to provide economic opportunities for the citizens of House District 90 and the state as a whole. It is my honor to support OCCC at the legislature.”