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Transcript Information / Closed Institutions

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All State Public Colleges and Universities

The office of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) does not maintain any student records. To obtain official transcripts from state public colleges and universities, contact the colleges and universities directly.

Closed Private Vocational Schools and Colleges

Private vocational schools and colleges in the state of Oklahoma are licensed by the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools (OBPVS). OSRHE has no jurisdiction over these schools and does not maintain any student records from them.

Listed below is information about how to obtain transcripts from some closed private vocational schools formerly operating in Oklahoma. All the information listed below has been provided by OBPVS. Other than what is listed below, OSRHE has no information about obtaining transcripts from private vocational schools.

If the school or information you are looking for is not listed below, or if you are looking for more information for any of the schools that are listed below, see the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools or contact them at or 405.528.3370.

The OSRHE contact for this page is Elizabeth Walker.

Federal Student Loan Information

In Oklahoma, federal financial student aid programs and relationships are handled by the institutions.

If you attended a now-closed private vocational school using federal financial student aid and need information about how to handle the financial aid now that the school is closed, please refer to the following: