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American Indian Materials

Doris Duke Collection of American Indian Oral History
The online Duke Collection of American Indian Oral History provides access to typescripts of interviews (1967-1972) conducted with hundreds of Indians in Oklahoma regarding the histories and cultures of their respective nations and tribes. Related are accounts of Indian ceremonies, customs, social conditions, philosophies and standards of living. Members of every tribe resident in Oklahoma were interviewed. The collection includes the original tapes on which the interviews were recorded, as well as microfiche copies of the typescripts.

From Warrior to Saint: The Journey of David Pendleton Oakerhater
This National Endowment for the Humanities We the People project tells the story of Making Medicine, a Cheyenne warrior turned missionary who was the first Oklahoman to become a saint in the Episcopal Church. It includes letters and photographs from the Burnham Collection at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Oklahoma City, a biography and an essay on the Indian assimilation movement. This information was digitized by Oklahoma State University with funding from the Oklahoma Humanities Council.

Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties
Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler and digitized by Oklahoma State University, this historically significant, seven-volume compilation contains U.S. treaties, laws and executive orders pertaining to American Indian tribes. The volumes cover U.S. government treaties with American Indians from 1778-1883 (Volume II) and U.S. laws and executive orders concerning American Indians from 1871-1970 (Volumes I, III-VII). The information contained in this collection is in high demand by native peoples, researchers, journalists, attorneys, legislators, teachers and others of both Indian and non-Indian origins.

Indian Claims Commission Decisions
In cooperation with The University of Tulsa Law Library and the National Indian Law Library, the Electronic Publishing Center at the Oklahoma State University Library digitized all 43 volumes of this collection of legal decisions interpreting treaties and determining the rights of Indian tribes.

Indian-Pioneer Papers
The Indian-Pioneer Papers oral history collection spans from 1861 to 1936 and consists of approximately 80,000 entries. It includes typescripts of interviews conducted during the 1930s by government workers with thousands of Oklahomans regarding the settlement of Oklahoma and Indian territories, as well as the condition and conduct of life there.

Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project
This project is a cooperative effort among the University of Oklahoma Law Center, the National Indian Law Library (NILL), and Native American tribes providing access to constitutions, tribal codes, and other legal documents. Tribal constitutions and codes are the heart of self-government for more than 500 federally recognized tribes and are the lifeblood of Indian sovereignty. The OU Law Center Library and NILL work with tribes whose government documents appear on the site, and the tribal documents are either placed online with the permission of the tribes or they are U.S. government documents, rightfully in the public domain.

Native American Manuscript Collections
The Western History Collections has more than 200 manuscript collections about Native Americans. Most of these collections date from the 19th and 20th centuries, although some include earlier materials as well. The collections focus on Indian history in Oklahoma, the Indian Territory and the southwestern United States.

Oklahoma History and Culture

Chronicles of Oklahoma
The first 40 volumes of the Oklahoma Historical Society’s journal, digitized by Oklahoma State University.

Eastern Oklahoma County Regional History Collection
This project of Rose State College was established to preserve the unique history of the communities of eastern Oklahoma County, including Tinker Air Force Base, and to promote the understanding of the importance of the region to the state of Oklahoma, the southwestern region of states and the United States. Collections include oral histories and historic photographs of Tinker Air Force Base.

Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture
To commemorate the Centennial of Oklahoma statehood in 2007, the Oklahoma Historical Society, with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, developed the Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture to inform and educate citizens, students, historians and the world at large about the fascinating history of this most unusual state. The encyclopedia contains articles written by leading scholars in the field and is published by the Oklahoma Historical Society. The online edition is presented by the Oklahoma State University Library Electronic Publishing Center.

Oklahoma Crossroads: Documents and Images
Oklahoma Crossroads: Documents and Images consists of selected digital collections of the Oklahoma Department of Libraries spanning more than 100 years of rich, vibrant history. These collections include documents, photographs, newspapers, reports, pamphlets, posters, maps and an author database ranging in date from the late 1800s to present.

Oklahoma Today
In cooperation with the Oklahoma State Department of Tourism and the Oklahoma Department of Career Technology, Oklahoma State University digitized the first 50 years of our state’s magazine. Oklahoma Today provides its readers the best of Oklahoma’s people, places, travel, culture, food and outdoors in an attractive and engaging publication that enhances the Oklahoma experience.

Western History Collections Photographic Archives
The Western History Collections Photographic Archives consists of more than 250,000 prints and negatives. With an emphasis on the American Southwest and West for the period 1870-1940, the archives are a major source of research and graphic illustration for many disciplines. Topically, the collection is strong on American Indians, Oklahoma’s land runs and lotteries, the settlement and development of Oklahoma towns, western outlaws and lawmen, the cattle trade, agriculture, the petroleum industry, and related socioeconomic themes of the western United States. The work of individual frontier photographers such as William S. Prettyman, Andrew A. Forbes, William Soule and W. A. Flowers are represented, along with outstanding subject-related collections such as the Walter S. Campbell and N. H. Rose collections.

Oklahoma Law

Oklahoma State Courts Network
This comprehensive electronic library of Oklahoma law includes free, searchable access to Oklahoma statutes, case law, Constitution, administrative code, attorney general opinions, court rules and legal forms. It also provides access to the dockets of district and appeals courts and the State Supreme Court. Also included are links to free online versions of federal statutes and case law.

Oklahoma Science and Technology

Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society
In cooperation with the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, the Oklahoma State University Electronic Publishing Center digitized the first 37 volumes of this collection, which details the history of birds in Oklahoma.

Copernicus and His Revolutions Exhibit
Online exhibition featuring digitized works of Copernicus, as well as contemporary discussions and short films about Copernicus and Renaissance astronomy.

History of Science Books Online
A growing selection of books from the History of Science Collection at the University of Oklahoma. These books have been scanned in full-color, at high resolutions, and each image can be enlarged as needed and accessed as PDF for greater portability.

History of Science Image Gallery
A growing collection of engaging images chosen from the books and manuscripts of the History of Science Collection at the University of Oklahoma.

History of Science Portrait Gallery
A growing collection of portraits of eminent scientists throughout history.

History of Science Title Pages
The University of Oklahoma has digitized the title pages of 8,300 books in the History of Science Collections. Many of these books are rare and/or fragile. The purpose of the digitization project was to offer author/title access to all the items in the History of Science Collections, a small portion of which had not yet been cataloged. It also allows scholars the opportunity to study printer’s devices, author’s autographs and other provenance which occur on these title pages.

Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science
The official organ of the Oklahoma Academy of Science represents a wealth of scholarly activity unique to our state. Scientists have used this vehicle to publish quality scholarly articles for almost a century. Currently, full-text articles are available for 1976-2005. Tables of contents are available for the years 1921-1975. This collection was digitized by Oklahoma State University.

Proceedings of the 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference
In cooperation with the Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee, Oklahoma State University was pleased to host the 27th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (SFTIC). The information is provided by the OSU Department of Forestry and the OSU Electronic Publishing Center.

Publications of the Oklahoma Biological Survey
Published between 1929-1933 and continuing in 2005, these volumes represent scholarly publishing unique to the state of Oklahoma and are provided by the Oklahoma Biological Survey and Oklahoma State University.

Works of Galileo Exhibit
Online exhibition featuring information on the early modern astronomer and digitized versions of his works.