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The Oklahoma Council of Academic Library Directors (OCALD), adopting a common goal to promote and facilitate access to information, communication and scholarly research among college and university communities, will extend reciprocal borrowing privileges to each other’s faculty, students, and staff. These specified individuals may have direct, personal access to materials that are not available at their home institution’s library. The OK-Share card system will serve to help accomplish this goal.

OK-Share Policies

Participating Libraries

A student wishing to obtain an OK-SHARE card must fill out an application at their home institution’s library.

Institutions needing to order OK-Share cards, should contact:

Brittany Blake
Coordinator for Academic Affairs Initiatives
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Phone: 405.225.9214
Fax: 405.225.9230