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Academic Forgiveness

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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy provides for ways that, under certain circumstances, enable students to recover from academic problems. Students may seek academic forgiveness by utilizing the following institutional procedures:

Repeated Courses

All State System institutions are required to offer the repeated courses provision.

A student shall have the prerogative to repeat any courses up to four attempts, including the initial attempt, to achieve a higher grade. Only the highest grade earned of the four attempts will be used in the calculation of the GPA. Any attempt after the first four attempts will be used in the calculation of the GPA. All attempts shall be recorded on the transcript with the earned grade for each course listed in the semester earned. Exceptions to the limit to the number of attempts may be approved at the discretion of the Chief Academic Officer or their designee.

Academic Reprieve

Academic reprieve is a provision allowing a student who has experienced extraordinary circumstances to disregard up to two semesters in the calculation of his or her GPA.

Offering academic reprieve for students is optional for all State System institutions.

A student may request an academic reprieve from State System institutions with academic reprieve policies consistent with these guidelines:

  1. Prior to requesting academic reprieve, the student must have earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher with no grade lower than a “C” in all regularly graded coursework (a minimum of 12 hours) excluding activity or performance courses.
  2. The request may be for one semester or term of enrollment or two consecutive semesters or terms of enrollments. If the reprieve is awarded, all grades and hours are included during the semester(s) for which a reprieve has been requested. If the student's request is for two consecutive semesters, the institution may choose to reprieve only one semester.
  3. The student must petition for consideration of academic reprieve according to institutional policy.
  4. All courses remain on the student’s transcript but are not calculated in the student’s GPA.  Coursework with a passing grade included in a reprieved semester may be used to demonstrate competency in the subject matter. However, the coursework may not be used to fulfill credit hour requirements.

Academic Renewal

Academic renewal is a provision allowing a student who has had academic trouble in the past and who has been out of higher education for a number of years to recover without penalty and have a fresh start.  Under academic renewal, course work taken prior to a date specified by the institution is not counted in the student’s GPA.

Offering academic renewal for students is optional for all State System institutions.

A student may request academic renewal from State System institutions with academic renewal policies consistent with these guidelines:

  1. At least three years must have elapsed between the last semester being renewed and the renewal request or shorter time period as approved by the institution’s Chief Academic Officer.
  2. Prior to requesting academic renewal, the student must have earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher with no grade lower than a “C” in all regularly graded coursework (a minimum of 12 hours) excluding activity or performance courses.
  3. The request will be for all courses completed before the date specified in the request for renewal.
  4. The student must petition for consideration of academic renewal according to institutional policy.

All courses remain on the student’s transcript but are not calculated in the student’s GPA.  Neither the content nor credit hours of renewed coursework may be used to fulfill any degree or graduation requirements.

For more information about academic forgiveness, contact your college or university academic advisor or email