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Ensuring students are prepared to succeed academically in college is a top priority for State System colleges and universities. Students admitted to college who did not satisfactorily complete the high school core curriculum or make the required scores on the ACT or SAT must enhance their college readiness through a process called remediation.  Remediation can include courses, supplemental instruction, tutoring, and/or other steps institutions take to improve college readiness and the chances of success in college coursework. The remediation process is not credit-bearing and may not be used toward meeting degree requirements.

Institutions also provide corequisite support to assist students to complete college-level math and English courses. Corequisite models allow students to enroll in a college-level, credit-bearing course while receiving additional academic support they may need to succeed in it. Students should contact their college or university for specific corequisite options. For more information about remediation and corequisite support, contact contact Dr. Stephanie Beauchamp at