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2022 REP Presentations  

Regents Education Program Annual Conference

Why College Matters
Dr. Robert C. Dauffenbach, Professor Emeritus, University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Higher Education

Working for Tomorrow’s Workforce
Chancellor Allison D. Garrett, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Consequential Board of Governance: Fundamental
Duties and Board Responsibilities

Dr. William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland, and Senior Fellow, Association of Governing Boards

Governance in Challenging Times
Dr. William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland, and Senior Fellow, Association of Governing Boards

Governing Boards as Advocates: The Guardians Initiative
Dr. William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chancellor Emeritus, University System of Maryland, and Senior Fellow, Association of Governing Boards

The Ins and Outs of Oklahoma Ethics Rules
Ms. Ashley Kemp, Executive Director, Oklahoma Ethics Commission

Open Meetings Act and Open Records Act
Ms. Niki Batt, Deputy Attorney General

If you need further assistance, contact Janet Jackson at 405.225.9116.