Faculty Advisory Council Update
The Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education is an elected committee of faculty whose purpose is to "communicate with the Chancellor and the State Regents the views and interests of all Oklahoma college and university faculty on those issues that relate to the constitutional and statutory responsibilities of the State Regents."
2022 Workplan Topics
- Enhance Public Understanding of Faculty Compensation
- Improve Student Preparation
- Expand Communication With All Faculty
- Support State Regents Initiatives
- Student Retention and Persistence Efforts
- DEI Initiatives
Oklahoma Information of Faculty Interest (external links, open in new window)
AASHE Presentation, April 11, 2017 (PDF, 1.7m)
Chancellor Glen D. Johnson's Faculty Assembly Presentation, Nov. 5, 2016 (PDF, 4.2m)
Research on the Efficacy of Concealed Carry (PDF, 153k)
Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence
Southern Regional Education Board
Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies
ACT College Readiness Report
ACT Policy Reports
Yellow Ribbon Program, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
Discussion Paper: Cost of Textbooks & Alternative Learning Resources (PDF, 120k)
MERLOT Flier (PDF, 393k)
Creative Commons Flier (PDF, 71k)
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) Flyer (PDF, 113k)
IU School of Ed Instructional Consulting Office
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